• info@reasonchidifoundation.org
  • +234 811 449 7797

Welcome to Reason Chidi Foundation

Our goals is to help people

Reason Chidi Foundation believe in a future that is bright, a future that is just and sustainable, and a future that is not the status quo. A future where, no matter a person’s background, they feel a sense of belonging in Nigeria. We’re building a movement that connects community foundations, partners, and Nigerians to make this future a reality.

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To create a better world

The Reason Chidi Foundation focuses on the importance of higher learning, career training, and improved healthcare. Most people believe and know that education builds societal development. To bring this concept to life, the Reason Chidi Foundation supports higher education in Nigeria by offering college scholarships to students each year.
We’re here to support poor people

“Education is a foundation for the healthy growth of a society.”

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We believe quality education is a human right and it is our mission to make it a reality.

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    Helping those in need

    Our Aim is to Improve, contribute and promote equality for the less privileged and to advance their social and economic condition by providing education, food, shelter, health, clothing, employment programs and supports services.

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    At Reason Chidi Foundation we are dedicated and enthusiastic professionals who care about the world and about each other. We are by vocation – and by nature – open-minded collaborators. We are thinkers and we are doers. And we all care passionately about the power of community.

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    Our programs focus on promoting education and youth empowerment, with emphasis on educating young boys and girls who have limited access to higher learning. We have no religious inclination and encourage tolerance of one another.

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